As you’d expect from a Jewish army, on every military building and army base in Israel there’s a Mezuzah, fulfilling the biblical commandment to inscribe the words of the Shema “on the doorposts of your house” (Deuteronomy 6:9). But did you know that a Mezuzah scroll needs to be replaced every 25 years?
Unfortunately, with budget cutbacks, the IDF has not replaced most of its Mezuzot scrolls, as such there are hundreds of ‘un-kosher’ (but well-meaning) mezuzot on IDF army bases. Or LaChayal has thus taken on a massive program to replace old scrolls on IDF army bases throughout Israel – and you can be a partner in our efforts!
A donation of $60 will fund the replacement of a Mezuzah scroll and will bless every soldier entering into his now “fully kosher” army base. Click here to donate now.